Sunday, May 17, 2009

Willy the Dreamer

Willy the Dreamer, written and illustrated by Anthony Browne is a very elegant book. It is a about a chimpanzee named Willy (but I don't really think he really is a chimpanzee. Browne has another book about Willy and at the very end of that book there is actually a picture of a chimpanzee mask, and a person walking away, so Willy could be anyone of us, disguised).

In this book, Willy dreams he's a movie star, or a singer, or a sumo wrestler, a ballet dancer, a painter and more. The pictures are funny, in part because of the bananas hidden in them, and in part because of jokes like making the hammerhead shark's head look like a real hammer, and the famous writer part is a chimpanzee/banana Alice in Wonderland.

This is one of my all-time favorites. It has this deep something...I can't put it into words.

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ABOUT Ying-Hua Lu (Nicole) said...
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